Modele (A Revision)
Silk screened Rives paper, collages
118 × 150 cms
MODELE (A REVISION) is a series of three dimensional collages using the colours of the Standard Kodak Color chart. The ‘revision’ of this modernist aesthetic is an attempt to take the modernist worldview apart in order to reveal its constituent parts which once were vehicles of progressive thoughts. The purpose of these reinterpretations is to reevaluate and confront the premises of postmodernism with our metamodernist time. Their aim is to reconsider Modernism’s motives and values — liberty, equality, rights, capitalism and the pursuit of happiness — and challenge the logic of the postmodernist state.
—Silk screened Rives paper: Atelier Arcay Paris, K2 screen London
Paper restorers: Valeria Duplat, Ségolène Walle
Production: Max Wigram Gallery, London and Fortes D'Aloia Gabriel, Sao Paulo